DDoS Attack on Azure Customers at Record-Breaking 3.47 Tbps Stopped by Microsoft

DDoS Attack on Azure Customers at Record-Breaking 3.47 Tbps Stopped by Microsoft

Short News:-

Three DDoS attacks with a combined throughput of 2.4 terabits per second were successfully thwarted by Microsoft in 2021. In November, an unnamed customer in Asia was targeted by a DDoS attack that lasted 15 minutes and affected the service. The tech giant also stopped two additional attacks totaling more than 2.5 Tbps. Amazon Web Services recorded 4,296 attacks in a single day on August 10, 2021. 359,713 unique attacks were blocked in the second half of 2021, a 43% increase from the first half of the year. Those most frequently hit by the attacks were based in countries like the United States, India, and East Asia.

DDoS Attack on Azure Customers at Record-Breaking 3.47 Tbps Stopped by Microsoft

Detailed News:-

Three DDoS attacks with a combined throughput of over 2.4 terabits per second were successfully thwarted by Microsoft in 2021, the company revealed this week (Tbps).

In November, an unnamed Azure customer in Asia was targeted by a DDoS attack that lasted 15 minutes and affected the service. An unprecedented 3.47 Tbps peak throughput and 340 million packets per second (pps) rate made this the largest known cyberattack.

Alethea Toh, product manager of Azure Networking, explained that the attack originated from more than 10,000 sources in countries as diverse as the United States, China, South Korea, Russia, Thailand, India, Vietnam, Iran, Indonesia, and Taiwan.

DoS attacks occur when multiple compromised devices are used as a conduit for an internet flood to overwhelm a targeted server, service, or network in order to overload the systems and disrupt their regular services.

Additionally, Microsoft reported in December that it had stopped two additional attacks totaling more than 2.5 terabits per second, both of which targeted customers in Asia. There were two attacks: one that was 3.25 Tbps UDP, and one that was 2.55 Tbps UDP that lasted about five minutes.

DDoS Attack on Azure Customers at Record-Breaking 3.47 Tbps Stopped by Microsoft

DDoS Attack on Azure Customers at Record-Breaking 3.47 Tbps Stopped by Microsoft

More than three months ago, the tech giant revealed that it had taken steps to mitigate a 2.4 Tbps DDoS attack that targeted a European customer in August 2021. In addition to the 2.5 Tbps DDoS attack that Google absorbed in September 2017, there was a volumetric attack on Amazon Web Services in February 2020 that broke the previous record.

By contrast, Microsoft reported an increase in attacks lasting more than an hour, while the percentage of short-lived attacks lasting 30 minutes or less decreased from 74% to 57%. The longer-lasting assaults, on the other hand, are felt like a series of short, repeated attacks.

On August 10, 2021, the company recorded 4,296 attacks in a single day, an average of 1,955 attacks per day. No fewer than 359,713 unique attacks were blocked in the second half of 2021, a 43% increase from the first half of the year.

After financial institutions, media, ISPs, retail, and supply chain companies, the gaming industry was found to be the most severely affected. Those most frequently hit by the attacks were based in countries like the United States, India, East Asia (Hong Kong), Brazil. the United Kingdom.

During the second half of 2021, India saw a dramatic increase in attacks, from just 2% of all attacks in the first half of 2021 to a whopping 23% of all attacks. Digital transformation initiatives, such as "Digital India," may have contributed to the increase in regional cyber risk exposure.


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